Supervision and management In 2008 Sea Metria has been appointed by the Owner as technical managing company for a 54 mt motor yacht. Principal task was the organization of an extensive refit program, aimed to the resolution of several constructive defects of the vessel. After an accurate...

Insurance claim appraisal In October 2008 a 60’ open carbon hull sailing boat shipwrecked during a regatta. The accident occurred next to the North Western Sicilian coast further to the vessel rudder breakage whilst racing, due to and joint to some very unfavourable sea-weather conditions. As surveyors for...

Construction suirvellance Over the last four years we inspected the construction of a 45 meters displacing motor yacht in Spain on behalf of the Owner. The project was followed from the very beginning. Initially, we were asked to advise our Client about the best possible choice...

20 years side by side with insurers Sea Metria Srl, formerly through the activity of his founder Stefano Ruscitti, and then growing up to a multi-complex and structured entity, plays its role as an independent insurance surveyor in the yachts market since over 16 years. Technical skill,...

A case history of some years ago In July  1993 a 34’ new sailing boat stranded because of some unfavorable sea weather conditions. Unfortunately the skipper was not able to sail away from the coast and the yacht shipwrecked nearby Tarquinia in a beach called “Pian...

Deckhouse and fly refurbishment LEOPARD shipyard got in touch with us to refurbish the deckhouse and the fly structure for one of their models semi planing, through the original general arrangements and external view study. The new project was conceived to conceal the structures with the...

Preliminary Procedure We studied all documents received form the shipyard and from the Captain, in order to understand the structure of the vessel and the type of materials used. Afterwards we carried out a visit onboard for verifying if the vessel had been built in accordance with the...